Young At Heart
A group of Christians ages 60+ that meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month for a good meal, devotional, and excellent fellowship. Our year starts in April and goes through December. We have four potluck dinners at the building and the rest are at area restaurants.
We have service projects throughout the year starting in June. We collect stuffed toys, games for the children’s emergency room at Huntsville Hospital
In July we have our “Christmas in July” event for the North Alabama Christians Children Home (NACCH). We invite the staff & children over for a pizza lunch and give gifts to everyone. We also raise funds for the Children’s Home.
In August we honor our schoolteachers with a dinner & school supplies. We collect needed supplies and give them to each of our teachers.
In November we have a potluck dinner to honor different groups. This can include our Elders, First Responders, or other groups.
This is a Great opportunity to meet and get to know other Christians in the congregation, to serve others and have good Food & Fellowship.
Upcoming Events
April 13th - Kick off the season with Potluck Dinner at the Building. New members always needed and encouraged.
May 11th - Lunch at the Yellow Deli in Pulaski, TN, meet at the building at 10:00, short meeting to collect donations for St. Jude's Children's Hospital (Nate Boyette Fund).
June 8th - Lunch at the Old Greenbriar Restaurant. Meeting at the building at 10:00 am first to collect toys for the Children’s Wing at the Huntsville Hospital. Ages infant through teen years…. Small handheld games, toys, stuffed animals, age-appropriate DVD’s
July 13th – Christmas in July for the North Alabama Christian Children Home. Lunch and gift card donations at the building, along with our contribution to the Home. Time to be determined.
August 10th – Teacher Appreciation Potluck at the Building at 5:30 to collect Teacher Supplies for our teachers
September 14th – Lunch at the Loveless Café in Nashville, TN. Meet at the building at 10:00 am before traveling to Nashville
October 12th – Lunch at the University of the South, Sewanee, TN and visit nearby Falls Mills after lunch.
November 9th – Potluck at the building at 6:00 pm to recognize all of our First Responders in the congregation.
December 14th – Lunch at Walton’s, Meeting at the building at 10:30 for a short meeting before driving down.