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The Hospital Ministry at MCOC started from the health struggles of many of the members over the years. Through these struggles, we learned about the physical needs people have when they have a long hospital stay. A deeper understanding was gained of the emotional and spiritual burdens people experience during these times. As a result, the concept of the hospital bag came together with all the items someone could use for their physical needs. Evangelistic material and visits when possible, are meant to help bear and share emotional and spiritual burdens. Along with the Hospital bags, Cancer Care bags are available to those taking chemo. They contain many of the things the Hospital bags do along with a folder to keep up with papers and many things useful for those taking chemotherapy.

Knowing that others are praying for you during times of crisis is very powerful. We believe the difficulties we have faced are being used for good.  “ And we know all things work together for food to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.

The purpose of this ministry is to comfort and encourage those in our home congregation and community who are suffering from various health issues by ministering to their physical and spiritual needs.  You do not have to be a member of this congregation to receive a bag, request prayer or when available, have a visit from the Hospital Ministry team. 

The Hospital Ministry is supported by the congregation and leadership at MCOC, along with several others who volunteer to work in the ministry itself.  With a few exceptions, the bags, quilts, and some other items are made exclusively by volunteers .  Members also donate items to be placed in the bags.  We also support a medical mission to Kenya with surgical hats and masks that we make as well as making hygiene packs for girls.

If you wish to receive a bag or wish to be added to the prayer list, email us at : or call the church office with the name and hospital room number of the person you want the bag to go to.  At this time due to Covid, in person hospital visits are not possible. 

Want to help with this Ministry work?  Contact the hospital ministry to see how you can help- you do not have to sew to be a part of what is done.   There are a multitude of tasks and needs to be completed- for what is specifically needed at any given time get in touch with us.  Your willing and generous heart is appreciated.

Wheelchair bag

Wheelchair bag

Quilting Away

Quilting Away

Hospital Ministry Logo

Hospital Ministry Logo

CCI Care Bags

CCI Care Bags

Bibles & Magazines for CCI Care Bags

Quilting on Long Arm

Quilting on Long Arm

More items for CCI Bags

More items for CCI Bags

CCI Care Bags

CCI Care Bags

Diaper Bag & Quilt Bag

Diaper Bag & Quilt Bag

Elder Quilt

Elder Quilt

- Greg Mathis

Kenya Project

Kenya Project

Kenya Project

Kenya Project

Elder Quilt

Elder Quilt

- Glenn Record

Minister Quilt

Minister Quilt

- Lonnie Jones

Kenya Project

Kenya Project

Youth Minister Quilt

Youth Minister Quilt

- Matthew Moore

Youth Ministry Logo

Youth Ministry Logo

Elder Quilt

Elder Quilt

Tom Brandon

Hospital Team

Hospital Team

In Action

Fabric Storage

Fabric Storage

Elder Quilt

Elder Quilt

- David Shockley

Wedding Quilt

Wedding Quilt

Hospital Bags

Hospital Bags

made by Hospital Ministry

Baby Quilts

Baby Quilts

Bag Contents

Bag Contents

Elder Quilt

Elder Quilt

- Rick Shotts

Bag Contents

Bag Contents

12228 Hwy 231

Meridianville, AL 35759 

Tel: (256) 828-3448

Fax: (256) 828-3417

Church Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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